Through the years, before he started calling himself Gambit, he was known as Jessie. Met up in school as we used to be the kids that nobody cared about, so we sat in the corner, relatively alone. Neither of us had many people to confide in and we both shared many things in common. He loved music, and he became adept at playing guitar. We went through Junior High and High school with many of the same few people and since then grew pretty close. We loved going to Joe's Garage every year, with our High School friends, which served as a means to reunite the close knit group. Leading up to the last few months of his life, he has severed our ties, but it did not hurt as much because it was Gambit who pushed everyone away, not the Jessie in which I have become close to in school. Those last few months became his tipping point and on June 5th decided that enough was enough and decided to leave this dimension with a bang. He will be in my thoughts and I will serve to remember the comfort provided during school when few would be willing to interact with me rather than the last few months of mutual silent teatment.